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Media & Press
We thank you all the press that featured us and help us spread our movement. If you would like to read the original articles, click the images to access the link.
For all press enquiries and interview requests please contact
MTV the Originals , Sound & Vision: Weaving Cassette Tapes With Rehyphen, Jan 2022
Meet JJ Chuan from Rehyphen, who shares her creative journey from mixed tape nostalgia to the birth of MusicCloth. You’ll never look at cassette tapes the same way again!
Beautiful news, Craft Creativity Innovation, Jan 2022
When she was younger, JJ Chuan loved cassette tapes. After her best friend moved to Australia they kept in touch by sending each other recordings...
Berita Harian, Beri nafas baru kepada pita kaset lama, Aug 2021
Apabila debut tentang kaset, mungkin ramai dalam kalandan generasi muda tidak tahu-menahu...
UFM100.3, Morning Session, June, 2022
Eva Air EnVoyage, Upcycling old cassette tapes, March 2020
長榮航空封面故事: 舊卡帶新生命。新加坡設計師莊逸馨以舊卡帶為時尚元素,編織出永續發展的新生命。
JD sports, Earth Week Highlight, April 2022
Get inspired by J.J Chuan, have fun & embark on your sustainable journey today! This 574 meets New Balance’s green leaf standard ...
Not just library, Rewind Exhibition, June 2022
Sound of Life, Do you still remember cassette tapes? May 2021
來自新加坡的設計師品牌Rehyphen,將所有已被時代淘汰的卡帶(盒式磁帶),轉化為音樂布料(Music Cloth),讓它們以新的面貌重新發聲。
CNA news, Dr. Amy Khor show MusicCloth in Parliament, March 2020
JJ Chuan gives them a new lease of life by upcycling cassette tapes into fabric for new products. That's really turning trash into treasure!
NEWs LTN, A new look of cassette tapes, June 2021
【卡式錄音帶化身成流行服飾、包包! 懷舊磁帶展現時尚新樣貌】壞掉的錄音帶終於不再是難以回收的垃圾了,它還能拿來做成很多藝術品!
ZaoBao, Wear by Example, March 2020
The Business Times, From Trash to Treasure, Jan 2020.
Former fashion designer JJ Chuan makes fabric from cassette tapes.
StarLifestyle, Creative Cause, November 2020
Upcycling not only reduce waste in the environment, it is becoming a popular trend
Women's Weekly Singapore, Earth Day Special, April 2020
I am a crazy, green Asian because with MusicCloth, I 've been able to keep a moment alive far beyond the moment itself..."
Zaobao, Lock Down Reflection, March 2020
旅游环保大反思:以废弃的卡带为媒介,编织成音乐面料 (MusicCloth)的艺术家庄逸馨是rehyphen创办人。
Sky Delta, Jessica Chuan, April 2019
The Singaporean designer weaves musical memories into earth-friendly cloth.
Green is the new black, Old tape, new tricks, Oct 2019
J.J. founded Rehyphen® studio with the mission to lead and inspire a sustainable way to be fashionable. She believes that music is a universal language, and it has the power to change the world.
Her World, 6 brands to look out at Boutiques Fair, Nov 2019
Rehyphen is up-cycling initiative that involves weaving discarded cassette tapes and video tapes into fabric that’s known as “Musiccloth”.
WanBao, Weave Cassette tapes into MusicCloth, Feb 2020
服装设计师奇思妙想,让卡带重获新生,成为“音乐面料”, 走入时尚界。
The Star News, Playing it Forward, April 2018
Want to give your old cassettes a new lease of life? Designer JJ Chuan creates art out of cassette tapes
Home Decor, Lots to see, do and buy at Affordable Art Fair 2019, Nov 2019
The brainchild of fashion designer and artist J.J. Chuan, Rehyphen is an initiative that upcycles discarded cassette and video tapes...
Harper's Bazaar, Life, Nov 2019
Local art-collective Rehyphen® initially begun as an up-cycling initiative, where they’ve helped to repurpose old, discarded cassette and videotapes.
Yahoo TV! May Day Interview, Dec 2019
佼心食堂: 終於等到五月天!佼心送礼--卡带编制的披头四肖像送给五月天!
CNA, Upcycling cassette tapes into MusicCloth, April 2019
wix , Meet our users rehyphen, April 2019
Wix user Rehyphen turns old cassette tapes into sustainable fashion and art pieces that not only look great but are also great for our planet.
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